monterey, central coast, state park, ocean Kyle Hanson monterey, central coast, state park, ocean Kyle Hanson

#363 Point Lobos State Natural Reserve

Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, the 'Crown Jewel of the California State Park System', preserves a stunning rocky coastline with hidden coves, pocket beaches and the Monterey Cypress, one of only two places naturally grown. The adjacent Point Lobos State Marine Reserve protects the waters which include vast kelp forests. Spend the day hiking, snorkeling and swimming among this gorgeous coast. 

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los angeles, ocean Kyle Hanson los angeles, ocean Kyle Hanson

#340 Pelican Cove

Pelican Cove Park is a stunning secluded cove part of the Palos Verdes Nature Preserve. A steep walk down will allow you to forget life's problems and enjoy the crashing waves against rocky enclaves. Go in the evening for dramatic sunset photography.

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san diego, ocean Kyle Hanson san diego, ocean Kyle Hanson

#333 Sunset Cliffs Natural Park

Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is one of San Diego's hidden gems with 1.5 miles of sculpted sandstone cliffs & arches, hidden coves and endless ocean vistas. Sixty-eight acres preserve 100 bird, 20 mammal, 10 reptile and 80 native plant species. The land began forming 75 million years ago during the Cretaceous Era and preserved many fossil species now housed in the San Diego Natural History Museum. An afternoon or sunset stroll is an iconic San Diego experience.

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#330 Estero Bluffs State Park

Estero Bluffs State Park preserves a coastline with a dramatic meeting of land and sea. Bluffs covered in grassland lead to rocky coves with endless ocean vistas. Cottontail rabbits, mule deer, seven butterfly species, brown pelicans, harbor seals and the endangered sea otter can all be spotted enjoying the coast. Enjoy a hike through miles of secluded ocean-front trails.

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national park, ventura, central coast, ocean Kyle Hanson national park, ventura, central coast, ocean Kyle Hanson

#319 Anacapa Island

Anacapa Island is the smallest of Channel Islands National Park and is a series of 3 islets totaling 5 miles long. Though tiny, its beauty is unmatched with its dramatic sea cliffs, coves and ocean vistas. California sea lions & harbor seals are heard and seen nesting along its coastline while western gulls call this place home in the Spring and make up the largest breeding colony in the world. Native Americans used the island for thousands of years and called it 'Anypakh' or 'Mirage'.

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orange county, ocean, state park, museum Kyle Hanson orange county, ocean, state park, museum Kyle Hanson

#303 Crystal Cove Beach Cottages

The Crystal Cove Beach Cottages are a nationally recognized historic district in Crystal Cove State Park of Newport Beach. Built in the 20's through 40's, these cottages provided visitors with a unique oceanfront experience. The state park has preserved this untouched stretch of coast offering a glimpse into California's travel past. They have been featured in many films from the silent days through 1988's 'Beaches' with Bette Midler. You can stay overnight in one of the restored cottages or just enjoy the beautiful beach.

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san diego, ocean Kyle Hanson san diego, ocean Kyle Hanson

#285 Point La Jolla

Point La Jolla, 'The Jewel' in Spanish, certainly lives up to its name with its sparkling clear waters. The walk along Coast Boulevard from Point La Jolla south includes several vista points, hidden coves, rocky bluffs, tidepools, seals and sea lions. It is a special place where everyone comes and everyone belongs.

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#284 Bluff Trail

The Bluff Trail at Montaña de Oro State Park is the most beautiful stretch of coastline in Southern California. Stunning sea stacks with crashing waves will leave you breathless while the surrounding mountains turn golden with poppies in the Spring. The trails take you to dramatic vista points and secret coves perfect for a picnic or relaxation. From just a few steps to a four mile loop, everyone can experience 'Mountain of Gold' in their own way.

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orange county, ocean Kyle Hanson orange county, ocean Kyle Hanson

#282 Treasure Island

Treasure Island in Laguna Beach is the perfect place to experience the California coast. With its white sandy beaches, rocky tidepools, hidden coves and perfectly landscaped bluff-top gardens, it is certainly a treasure. Bring your camera and stay for the sunsets.

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