National Park Mirrors
National Park Mirrors is a showcase of photography presented in a way that emphasizes the stunning symmetric beauty of the National Parks. The photographs were taken on my epic 5-year-journey across the country with a collection compiled from more than one hundred thousand photographs taken on 188 visits to the parks.
Apostle Islands, Arches, Badlands, Bryce Canyon, Canyon de Chelly, Carlsbad Caverns, Cedar Breaks, Channel Islands, Death Valley, Great Basin, Great Sand Dunes, Hubbell Trading Post, Indiana Dunes, Joshua Tree, Kings Canyon, Lake Mead, Mojave, Petrified Forest, Petroglyph, Pinnacles, Saguaro, Santa Monica Mountains, Sequoia, White Sands, Zion
6x9 Trade, 192 pgs
Publish Date 10/2017