#349 Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes

The Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes are the largest coastal dune ecosystem in California at 18 miles long. Several opportunities are available from relaxing at Rancho Guadalupe Dunes County Park, off-roading at Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area and camping at Pismo State Beach. Native American Chumash used the site as a fishing village and hunted alongside wild grizzly bears.

Cecil B. DeMille filmed his famous epic 'The Ten Commandments' in 1923 and buried the gigantic sets after filming. Excavated pieces of 'Egypt' have been discovered in the shifting sands. This National Natural Landmark also preserves many endangered plants and animals. Enjoy exploring these wild, uncrowded dunes.

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orange county, foothills Kyle Hanson orange county, foothills Kyle Hanson

#258 Limestone Canyon Wilderness Area

Limestone Canyon is a nature preserve part of Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks. In 2006, it was designated a National Natural Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior for its outstanding biological and geological features. Coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities cover colorful hills and canyons along with rare and endangered animal species. A geological feature known as 'The Sinks' is the most impressive part of the canyon. *Access is limited to programs with the Irvine Ranch Conservancy

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desert, mountains Kyle Hanson desert, mountains Kyle Hanson

#239 Rainbow Basin Natural Area

Rainbow Basin is a National Natural Landmark in the Mojave Desert outside of Barstow. Its geological rock formations include a mirage of brilliant colors. The basin is also a rich fossil bed with findings of horses, camels and even flamingos! Enjoy a trip through time in this untouched landscape. A one way dirt road winds through the scenic canyons. *4 wheel drive recommended

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san diego, ocean, state park Kyle Hanson san diego, ocean, state park Kyle Hanson

#193 Broken Hill

Broken Hill is a beautiful overlook at Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve in La Jolla. Eroded sandstone cliffs create a dramatic scene offering breathtaking views of the ocean below. A hiking loop trail leads down to the beach and makes for a great afternoon.

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san diego, state park, ocean Kyle Hanson san diego, state park, ocean Kyle Hanson

#123 Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve is one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Southern California. Torrey Pines, the rarest pine in America, grow along wild cliffs that drop to the ocean below. Growing only here and on Santa Rosa Island, the trees and its reserve received National Natural Landmark status in 1977. Hiking trails wind seamlessly through the landscape making it a great place for Spring wildflowers too.

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los angeles, museum Kyle Hanson los angeles, museum Kyle Hanson

#119 La Brea Tar Pits

The La Brea Tar Pits within Hancock Park in Los Angeles has been one of the world's foremost fossil sites. Fossils from the Pleistocene Epoch reveal the story of what once roamed Southern California from the mastodon, saber-toothed cat, camel and ground sloth. Preserved insects, plants and micro-fossils have also been discovered which have led to important scientific research. The adjacent George C. Page Museum displays the prehistoric fossils in its working museum.

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desert, national park Kyle Hanson desert, national park Kyle Hanson

#46 Cinder Cone National Natural Landmark

Cinder Cone National Natural Landmark is a series of lava flows in the Mojave National Preserve. Surrounded by 32 small volcanoes known as cinder cones, this natural landmark has been erupting for 7.6 million years with the most recent occurring only 10,000 years ago. The lava cooled and emptied leaving behind a cave called a Lava Tube.

Today, a stairwell descends into the tube allowing the visitor to explore this geologic wonderland. The Lava Tube can be accessed by a 5 mile drive on Aiken Mine Road. Use extreme caution as this is a rough gravel road. 4 wheel drive recommended.

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