#158 Griffith Observatory
At 1,135 ft high in the hills of Griffith Park, Griffith Observatory is the crown jewel of Los Angeles. On a clear day, gorgeous views of Los Angeles, Hollywood and the ocean are seen for miles. It has been free since opening its doors in 1935. Colonel Griffith J. Griffith donated his land to the city in what would become a great park as long as a planetarium was built. He wanted a place where all could explore and enjoy astronomy. The Observatory was made famous by its appearance in the iconic James Dean Film 'Rebel Without A Cause'.
#14 Griffith Park Zoo
Griffith Park Zoo in Los Angeles was in existence between 1912 and 1966. When it opened, there were only 15 animals. The zoo grew as many movie star animals retired here. Today, it is a popular hiking and picnic spot among ruins. Many of the enclosures were built during the Great Depression by the Works Progress Administration. It greatly captures the progress and improvement in zoos today. The cages are tiny and claustrophobic and allow the visitor to feel what it would have felt like to be an animal here. Although grotesque, this is an essential and fascinating experience.