#89 Furnace Creek Inn

“Would You Enjoy a Trip to Hell?...You Might Enjoy a Trip to Death Valley, Now! It has all the advantages of hell without the inconveniences.” -1907 April Fools Day Newspaper Ad

The Furnace Creek Inn and Ranch Resort is an Historic Hotel in the heart of Death Valley National Park. In 1907, it may have been hard to imagine a luxury resort in the hottest, driest and lowest spot on Earth but it happened two decades later. The hotel was built by the Pacific Coast Borax Company in order promote tourism after mining operations slowed. Tourism boomed and the resort was here to stay.

Today, the Inn is not just a hotel but holds the Four Diamond Award for its opulent luxury. Beautiful suites surrounded by Palm Groves with sweeping views of Death Valley can be seen in every direction. The nearby Ranch property is a more casual experience and contains the Borax Museum.


#90 Cabot's Pueblo Museum


#88 Palisades Park